> 정보샘터
> 업무·연구자료
> 논문자료
Introduction of the Advanced Meteorological Imager of Geo-Kompsat-2a: In-Orbit Tests and Performance Validation의 소속,게재연도,학술지명,첨부파일,상세링크
논문명 |
Introduction of the Advanced Meteorological Imager of Geo-Kompsat-2a: In-Orbit Tests and Performance Validation |
소속 |
1) National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration, Jincheon 27803, Korea; dolong@korea.kr (D.K.); guminju@korea.kr (M.G.); ngnku456@korea.kr (E.-K.K.)
2) National Air Emission Inventory and Research Center, Ministry of Environment, Cheongju 28166, Korea; hjyang90@korea.kr |
게재연도 |
2021-03-29 |
학술지명 |
Atmosphere |
첨부파일 |
상세링크 |
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13071303 |